How to Make Homemade Ice Cream

by Gregory
Ice Cream

Personally, I don’t know a single person, who doesn’t like ice cream. And you? It seems to be the biggest dream of one’s childhood – to have more ice cream than you could ever eat. How to make homemade ice cream with your favorite taste? How to surprise your family with an extraordinary taste? How to make a special dessert and make everyone ask for more?

 Tastes that Impress

To begin with, there are so many outstanding ice cream recipes that are times it is getting harder and harder to pick the one to make this day. The recipe we provide holds basic ingredients that are common for all recipes. Why? Simply because we’d like to give you a chance to create your own recipe here and now. Don’t be afraid to experiment, adding different flavors!

 Ingredients You Need:

  • cream & milk are two basic ingredients you are going to need. Cream gives your favorite dessert a rather smooth texture. Besides, it gives ice cream a very deep flavor. In case you choose heavy cream, make sure that the ice cream doesn’t get over churned, as such cream creates a buttery taste and texture;
  • a rather wide choice of sweeteners allows choosing a proper one. Sugar is used in many recipes and is regarded to as the best one due to the fact it dissolves pretty fast. Sugar doesn’t only gives sweet taste, but also adds texture. Among other sweeteners that are commonly used in different recipes are honey, brown sugar and maple syrup;
  • what abut flavoring? It’s up to you to decide which one to choose. Generally, vanilla is the most popular flavoring added to ice creams. Unusual ideas of flavorings include cookies and flavored syrups, chocolate, fruits and brownies, candy bars, peppermint candies, nuts and even spices.

How to Make Homemade Ice Cream? Make Sure you have:

  • a cup whole milk
  • ¾ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¾ cup granulated sugar
  • two cups heavy cream
  • one vanilla bean, split in two halfs
  • pinch of salt
  • six egg yolks

Take a medium saucepan and warm sugar, milk, one cup of heavy cream and salt. When the milk is getting warm, just scrape seeds from the vanilla bean into it and then add the bean. Remove the saucepan from the heat and cover it. It’s better to let the milk steep for half an hour at room temperature.

Take a large bowl. As you’ve used only one cup of heavy cream, pour the second cup into the bowl you have and set a mesh strainer. Wisk egg yolks in a medium bowl, and then slowly pour the warm mixture into the bowl with mixed egg yolks. Whisk, while pouring. Scrape the warmed mixture into the saucepan.

Stir all these ingredients over medium heat. For this you may use a heatproof spatula. Make sure you scrape the bottom while stirring. After the mixture gets thicker and starts coating the spatula, pour custard through a strainer and then simply stir it into the cream. Stir vanilla extract over an ice bath until cool.

After everything’s done, chill this mixture in the fridge for the next 8 hours. Remove the vanilla bean and freeze the mixture in an ice cream maker. You can serve ice cream with homemade whipped cream.

This is how to make homemade ice cream. The process is not that hard, but still requires much time and patience. Of course, you can buy ice cream, but making it is a lot of fun, besides the taste differs a lot: homemade ice cream is sweeter and 100% healthy. Aren’t these the reasons to make it on your own? Just add cookies or chocolate to improve the taste and you will definitely feel the difference.

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