When to Seek Uterine Fibroids Treatment

by Gregory

You might have uterine fibroids if you experience extremely painful and heavy periods. Visiting your provider will help with diagnosis and treatments. Dr. Lauren E. Spoo, MD is a qualified obstetrician-gynecologist who can offer personalized treatment and care for your reproductive health.

Fibroids are growths that grow in your uterus and are usually non-cancerous. They vary in size and symptoms from one individual to another.


Although the exact cause of uterine fibroids is unknown, science identifies people with a higher likelihood of getting the condition.

You are at higher risk of getting fibroids if you:

  • Started your periods at an early age
  • Are deficient in Vitamin D
  • Eat lots of red meat without enough green vegetables
  •  Are overweight or obese
  • Use birth control
  • Have a family history of the condition


Some women have fibroids that have no symptoms. Such women are said to have asymptomatic fibroids. However, women who have symptomatic fibroids exhibit the following:

  • Painful and heavy menstruation
  • Pain during sex
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Persistent vaginal discharge
  • Bloating or a feeling of fullness in your lower abdomen
  • Constipation
  • Frequent urination
  • Inability to empty your bladder

When to see a provider

Depending on the individual, uterine fibroids can or cannot exhibit symptoms. You should see a doctor or provider if your symptoms become unbearable and unmanageable. Your provider will ask for tests and advice on the treatment method, depending on your situation.

Treatment options

The treatment approach that your doctor will use will depend on your symptoms and needs. There are temporary and permanent strategies available. Since there are different treatment methods, your doctor will discuss the most suitable one with you.

Factors that will affect your treatment plan

  • The size of the fibroids
  • The location of the fibroids
  • The number of fibroids
  • The desire for future pregnancy
  • Uterine preservation

 Non-invasive methods

Medications are common non-invasive methods that doctors use for treatment. They are useful when fibroids are small and if they are not growing. The medications include OTC pain killers, birth control drugs, and iron supplements for anemia.

 Minimally invasive methods

If you opt for a minimally invasive procedure, you will be able to recover quickly with minimal blood loss and little risk of infections. An example of such a procedure is uterine artery embolization.

Surgical methods

Before you undergo surgery, your doctor will discuss the procedure’s outcome and what it means for your productive health. Usually, surgical methods are significant when a woman is no longer interested in having children. An example of such a procedure is hysterectomy. Your provider will remove all the fibroids and the uterus with your consent. After such a procedure, you will not be able to carry a pregnancy.

Uterine fibroids can affect the quality of your life, especially because of the pain. If you have painful fibroids and want to have children in the future, visit Memorial Women’s Specialists for guidance on the best approach. You will meet experienced providers that can offer customized treatment. Call or book an online appointment today.

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