Risk Factors and Treatment for Gum Disease

by Gregory

Gum disease is the inflammation, soreness, or infection of the tissues and bones that support and surround your teeth. Gum disease starts as gingivitis, where plaque builds up, making your gums swell and bleed easily during tooth brushing. Plaque is a film that forms from bacteria in your mouth if you do not brush or floss properly. If you do not treat gingivitis, it proceeds to periodontitis, where the bones surrounding your gums are inflamed or infected. Bad breath, sensitive teeth, gum recession, gum bleeding, and painful, swollen, and bright red gums are the symptoms of gum disease. Plaque is the leading cause of Monterey gum disease. Poor dental hygiene habits lead to the formation of plaque.

Risk factors of gum disease

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes during pregnancy, puberty, menopause and monthly menstruation can make gums more sensitive. Sensitivity makes it easier for gum disease to develop.


Diseases like HIV and cancer can lower your immune system increasing your risk of developing gingivitis. Diabetic patients are more likely to have cavities and periodontal diseases. Diabetes alters how your body uses blood sugar and impairs blood circulation.


Some medications can affect oral health because they reduce saliva flow, which has a protective role on your teeth and gums. Drugs such as anticonvulsant Dilantin and anti-angina can cause abnormal gum tissue growth.

Poor lifestyle habits

Smoking can cause gum infections, making it harder for your gum tissue to repair itself. Not brushing and flossing can also lead to plaque buildup, a primary cause of gum disease. Foods with high sugars like candies can increase bacteria in your mouth, causing gum infections.

Treatment for gum disease

Professional dental cleaning

Professional dental cleaning is the first step during gum disease treatment. It involves your dentist removing accumulated tartar and plaque using special tools. Since regular brushing and flossing cannot remove tartar from your teeth or gums, it must be eliminated by your dentist. Your dentist can do scaling, which involves scraping off the tartar from or above your gum line. If you have periodontitis, root planning removes the bacteria that cause the condition. Root planing is where your dentist removes the rough spots on your teeth’s roots.

Prescribed mouth rinses

Your dentist can prescribe a mouth rinse that eliminates oral bacteria that cause gum disease. Dentists mostly use this treatment in patients who cannot floss or brush due to age or special needs.


Sometimes gum infections may require surgery. There are various surgeries your dentist can recommend, including:

Gum graft surgery

Gum graft surgery involves your specialist taking tissues from another part of your mouth, such as your palate, to cover any exposed tooth roots. This surgery prevents bone loss or decay and benefits sensitive teeth.

Flap surgery

Flap surgery is where your surgeon lifts your gums to remove tartar deep underneath your gum line. The surgeon then stitches your gum into the correct position and tight around your tooth to prevent further tartar formation.

Gum disease is the inflammation or infection of tissues surrounding your teeth. Professional dental cleaning and surgery can help treat gum disease. Schedule an appointment at Perio & Implant Center for gum disease treatment to avoid future dental complications.

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