Full Mouth Reconstruction: The Answer to Dental Imperfections

by Gregory
Dental Imperfections

If your cosmetic or dental imperfections make you feel uneasy or lower your self-esteem, you may want to consider full mouth reconstruction. It is a multi-phase treatment plan that your doctor uses to repair damaged teeth and improve your smile. Dr. David Shouhed Los Angeles and his Smile Perfector Dental Group team offer several dental procedures that can restore your confidence by improving your dental aesthetics.

What you should learn about full mouth reconstruction

Full mouth reconstruction consists of several dental techniques working in sync to enhance your smile aesthetics. Your dentist discusses your smile goals and expectations and works closely with you to identify the dental procedures that will unlock your most attractive smile. These dental procedures are not entirely cosmetic, as some address mouth trauma and other dental issues that interfere with your speech and ability to eat comfortably. After a thorough dental exam, your provider may combine several treatments to ensure that your results are optimal and long-lasting.

Determining your eligibility for full mouth reconstruction

Anyone can benefit from full mouth reconstruction regardless of gender or age. However, Dr. Shouhed and the Smile Perfector Dental Group specialists may conduct a thorough dental and physical exam to ensure that you are eligible for the advanced procedures. They may review your dental history and discuss your symptoms to understand your concerns better. Dr. Shouhed may also examine your mouth, teeth, and gums and conduct X-rays. He may then discuss your expectations and help you to choose dental restoration procedures that will result in the desired outcome.

Full mouth reconstruction procedures you need to consider

Smile Perfector Dental Group offers a wide range of full mouth reconstruction procedures with minimal complications and downtime. Some of the techniques you may benefit from include:

  • Teeth whitening

You may have a set of strong, beautifully aligned teeth, but they appear discolored or stained. In such cases, Dr. Shouhed may recommend teeth whitening. As you age, your enamel may wear, exposing your yellow dentine and making your smile duller. Regular intake of beverages such as coffee and tea and tobacco use may also stain your teeth. Worry not! The specialists at the practice use Zoom! teeth whitening that brightens your teeth up to eight shades whiter. During the procedure, your provider places a protective gel over your gums and applies the whitening solution over your teeth. The solution consists of hydrogen peroxide, which bleaches the stains, restoring your vibrant smile.

  • Dental bridges

You may benefit from dental bridges if you have large gaps in your smile. Your doctor will help you choose the appropriate dental bridge based on the number of teeth between the gaps. If the teeth are not strong enough, your doctor may recommend an implant to provide sturdy support to the bridge.

  • Veneers

Sometimes your teeth may be strong but not aesthetically appealing. In such cases, your dentist may recommend veneers to hide the excessively stained, chipped, or misshapen teeth. The Smile Perfector Dental Group team customizes your veneers to ensure they fit snugly and don’t interfere with your speech.

Call the Smile Perfector Dental Group office to explore the dramatic results of full mouth reconstruction, or book your spot online today.

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