Diabetic Foot Care from Beat Diabetes Tips

by Gregory

Diabetic Foot Care

Do Not Loose a Limb Through Ignorance. I am often amazed that many people who are diabetic are not aware of the simple steps to keeping feet and legs healthy. And yet by following our simple tips you could avoid the risk of amputation.

  • 85% of amputations are preventable.
  • Someone is diagnosed with diabetes every 30 seconds.
  • Over 80,000 amputations are performed every year in America.

So How Do You Avoid the Risk of Infection or Amputation?

  • Diabetes can cause serious problems with your feet.
  • Small cuts can be serious so do not walk barefoot at any time.
  • Diabetes may cause nerve damage and loss of feeling.
  • Diabetes can cause reduced blood flow to the feet.
  • Reduced feeling and lack of blood flow can make it harder to heal and resist infections.
  • You may not notice foreign objects in your footwear, which could lead to developing blisters and non-healing wounds that could lead to amputations.

Follow These Simple Tips Every Day

Check Your Feet Daily.

  1. Look for blisters, cuts, redness, swelling, or nail problems.
  2. Check the soles and heels daily use a mirror if you can`t lift your foot.
  3. Bathe your feet daily but only in lukewarm water.
  4. There are many diabetic foot cleansers available at our Beat Diabetes Store.
  5. Wash your feet using a very soft washcloth or sponge do not use anything abrasive.
  6. Pat the feet dry do not rub as this can cause skin shear and damage the outer skin layer.
  7. Ensure that you dry between the toes.

Now we have taken care of the basics of cleanliness here are a few more tips

  • Use a daily moisturizer available from the Beat Diabetes Store but not between the toes.
  • Daily moisturizing stops itching and cracking.
  • When you cut your nails cut them straight across and file the edges. Do not cut nails too short as this could cause ingrowing toenails.
  • Never, ever try to treat corns and callouses yourself see a doctor who will recommend treatment by a professional.
  • Have your feet checked regularly by a doctor or nurse and don`t ever think that you are causing these professionals a problem, it`s a far bigger problem to them when you have to have an amputation.

What to Wear on Your Feet

Before some smart Alec says shoes, the wrong type of shoe can cause real problems. This may sound crazy but look at your feet. No, I mean LOOK at your feet. Many people, and I`m not just referring to ladies here see footwear as a fashion item. They would not be seen dead in anything approaching a “sensible” shoe.

I`m talking about shoes that are not the same shape as your feet. By that, I mean shoes that are shaped at a point when it is obvious your feet are not that shape.

Heels that are more than one inch high can put pressure on the balls of the feet and cause blistering and skin shear which can lead to non-healing sores by now we should know where that will lead.

Socks And Footwear, What You Should Wear

  • Avoid socks with tight elasticated bands as these reduce circulation in the legs.
  • Thick and bulky socks can fit badly and cause skin irritation.
  • Wear socks in bed if your feet are cold do not use hot water bottles, ever.
  • Keep your feet warm with good-fitting slippers.
  • Make sure you wear warm socks and shoes in winter and make sure to keep your feet dry.
  • ALWAYS wear shoes or slippers DO NOT walk barefoot at any time.

It is important that you keep your circulation working so look at foot massagers and also keep your feet elevated whenever you are resting, ensuring that you have support behind the knees.

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